#: locale=en
## Tour
### Description
tour.description = Exterior walking tour of the campus of the University of Soouth Dakota.
### Title
tour.name = USD Campus Walking Tour
## Skin
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### Multiline Text
HTMLText_0B4C1B5F_A56C_B592_41DC_662EE465224F.html =
Native American Cultural Center
The Native American Cultural Center provides a culturally-enriching environment where students can access meeting rooms, computer lab, Lakota language lab as well as engage in social activities such as drum group practice, Sundance meetings.
HTMLText_0B4C1B5F_A56C_B592_41DC_662EE465224F_mobile.html = Native American Cultural Center
The Native American Cultural Center provides a culturally-enriching environment where students can access meeting rooms, computer lab, Lakota language lab as well as engage in social activities such as drum group practice, Sundance meetings.
HTMLText_15E24263_DA29_255C_41BB_55E5AFB1A69A.html = Brookman Hall
Students seeking a quiet, private environment with the convenience of on-campus living may opt for Brookman Hall (1963) as their campus residence. Brookman offers single unit living spaces with single-gender and coed floors. Brookman also accommodates students who arrive early to campus or stay over break periods because of their academic schedule of distance from home.
HTMLText_15E24263_DA29_255C_41BB_55E5AFB1A69A_mobile.html = Brookman Hall
Students seeking a quiet, private environment with the convenience of on-campus living may opt for Brookman Hall (1963) as their campus residence. Brookman offers single unit living spaces with single-gender and coed floors. Brookman also accommodates students who arrive early to campus or stay over break periods because of their academic schedule of distance from home.
HTMLText_314D44C5_A525_9CF6_41D6_9B76858F5B0F.html = DAKOTA HALL
Dakota Hall (1919) serves as home to the departments of English, math, international studies and political science.
HTMLText_314D44C5_A525_9CF6_41D6_9B76858F5B0F_mobile.html = DAKOTA HALL
Dakota Hall (1919) serves as home to the departments of English, math, international studies and political science.
HTMLText_3249BB99_A52C_F49E_41E3_5CB1697E3B77.html = USD School
of Law
USD School of Law (1980) - The only law school in the state, the USD School of Law is consistently recognized as a best value law school. The School of Law also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus. About 70% of South Dakota lawyers graduated from the USD School of Law.
HTMLText_3249BB99_A52C_F49E_41E3_5CB1697E3B77_mobile.html = USD School
of Law
USD School of Law (1980) - The only law school in the state, the USD School of Law is consistently recognized as a best value law school. The School of Law also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus. About 70% of South Dakota lawyers graduated from the USD School of Law.
HTMLText_3666E1C8_A56C_94FE_41CE_304677BFDB06.html = National Music Museum
Founded in 1973, the internationally-renowned museum includes collections of more than 14,500 instruments spanning all cultures and historical periods.
HTMLText_3666E1C8_A56C_94FE_41CE_304677BFDB06_mobile.html = National Music Museum
Founded in 1973, the internationally-renowned museum includes collections of more than 14,500 instruments spanning all cultures and historical periods.
HTMLText_8025DC95_AD71_25B9_41CE_3F33BB51F199.html = Old Main
The university's oldest building, iconic Old Main was originally constructed in 1883. The building was destroyed by fire in 1893 and immediately rebuilt. Completely renovated in 1997, Old Main now serves as the home to classrooms, the Honors Program, Farber Hall and the Oscar Howe Gallery. Old Main is one of four campus buildings on the National Register of Historic Places.
HTMLText_8025DC95_AD71_25B9_41CE_3F33BB51F199_mobile.html = Old Main
The university's oldest building, iconic Old Main was originally constructed in 1883. The building was destroyed by fire in 1893 and immediately rebuilt. Completely renovated in 1997, Old Main now serves as the home to classrooms, the Honors Program, Farber Hall and the Oscar Howe Gallery. Old Main is one of four campus buildings on the National Register of Historic Places.
HTMLText_81010285_AD53_FD99_41D5_E01FAC363673.html = University of South Dakota
We're USD - the state's flagship university: The big-time university with a small-college feel. We're memorable mentors and lifelong friends. We're world-class academics and out-of-class opportunities. We're innovative technology and long-standing tradition. We're your university. We Are South Dakota.
HTMLText_81010285_AD53_FD99_41D5_E01FAC363673_mobile.html = University of South Dakota
We're USD - the state's flagship university: The big-time university with a small-college feel. We're memorable mentors and lifelong friends. We're world-class academics and out-of-class opportunities. We're innovative technology and long-standing tradition. We're your university. We Are South Dakota.
HTMLText_818D8B29_AD71_2CE9_41E1_506148E83A7D.html = Belbas Center
Easily recognized by its signature towers, historic Dean Belbas Center is home to the Office of Admissions, the Registrar and Financial Aid. Originally built in 1905 and remodeled in 2004, the Belbas Center previously housed USD's physical education and military training program. The Belbas Center is just one of the recycling centers on campus.
HTMLText_818D8B29_AD71_2CE9_41E1_506148E83A7D_mobile.html = Belbas Center
Easily recognized by its signature towers, the historic Dean Belbas Center is home to the Office of Admissions, the Registrar and Financial Aid. Originally built in 1905 and remodeled in 2004, the Belbas Center previously housed USD's physical education and military training program. The Belbas Center is just one of the recycling centers on campus.
HTMLText_8336788B_97BA_FB0A_41DF_20D3F1C7BB2A.html = Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
HTMLText_83449928_C7EB_272C_41E4_59A32AA4B9B9.html = W.H. Over Museum
The W.H. Over Museum preserves and collects the photographs, art, artifacts and items representative of the natural history of the inhabitants and ethnic groups of South Dakota.
HTMLText_83449928_C7EB_272C_41E4_59A32AA4B9B9_mobile.html = W.H. Over Museum
The W.H. Over Museum preserves and collects the photographs, art, artifacts and items representative of the natural history of the inhabitants and ethnic groups of South Dakota.
HTMLText_86765B00_AD73_EC97_41DA_B712C03566D0.html = Aalfs Auditorium
Boasting spectacular acoustics and sight-lines, Aalfs Auditorium hosts everything from lectures and student performances to concerts from chart-topping artists and bands. Originally built in 1925 as Slagle Auditorium, the venue was renovated in 2008 as the Bailey and Kathy Aalfs Auditorium.
HTMLText_86765B00_AD73_EC97_41DA_B712C03566D0_mobile.html = Aalfs Auditorium
Boasting spectacular acoustics and sight-lines, Aalfs Auditorium hosts everything from lectures and student performances to concerts from chart-topping artists and bands. Originally built in 1925 as Slagle Auditorium, the venue was renovated in 2008 as the Bailey and Kathy Aalfs Auditorium.
HTMLText_8CC2E483_837E_FF4E_41DC_7802DEB8B046.html = Akeley-Lawrence
Science Center
Home to the physics department and chemistry labs, the Akeley-Lawrence Science Center is named for former USD dean Lewis Akeley and USD graduate John Lawrence – known as the “Father of Nuclear Medicine” for his pioneering work in nuclear science. John’s brother Ernest – another USD graduate – went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1939 for his work in inventing the Cyclotron.
HTMLText_8CC2E483_837E_FF4E_41DC_7802DEB8B046_mobile.html = Akeley-Lawrence
Science Center
Home to the physics department and chemistry labs, the Akeley-Lawrence Science Center is named for former USD dean Lewis Akeley and USD graduate John Lawrence – known as the “Father of Nuclear Medicine” for his pioneering work in nuclear science. John’s brother Ernest – another USD graduate – went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1939 for his work in inventing the Cyclotron.
HTMLText_92493423_C62F_ECDC_41E7_839AB5C11FD9.html = The Commons
Part of the North Complex The Commons houses: USD Housing, the USD Testing Center, Military & Veteran Student Services, and TRiO student services.
HTMLText_92493423_C62F_ECDC_41E7_839AB5C11FD9_mobile.html = The Commons
Part of the North Complex The Coommons houses: USD Housing, the USD Testing Center, Military & Veteran Student Services, and TRiO student services.
HTMLText_948498EC_C627_2524_41D3_37F570E29F2B.html = Richardson Hall
Part of the North Complex collection of residence halls for first-year students, Richardson Hall features double occupancy rooms with coed and single-gender floors. Located near the Wellness Center, Muenster University Center, DakotaDome and academic buildings, the North Complex is in the center of student activity.
HTMLText_948498EC_C627_2524_41D3_37F570E29F2B_mobile.html = Richardson Hall
Part of the North Complex collection of residence halls for first-year students, Richardson Hall features double occupancy rooms with coed and single-gender floors. Located near the Wellness Center, Muenster University Center, DakotaDome and academic buildings, the North Complex is in the center of student activity.
HTMLText_94876F98_C627_3BEC_41E2_58D876558732.html = Beede Hall
The residence halls within the North Complex (Beede, Mickelson, Richardson and Olson Halls) offer first-year and upper-class students a great opportunity to get involved in academic and social groups, living learning communities and activities. Each floor in North Complex includes a communal kitchen and laundry room. The North Complex halls house 1,444 students and are conveniently located near the Fine Arts Center, the Wellness Center, School of Education, Muenster University Student Center and DakotaDome.
HTMLText_94876F98_C627_3BEC_41E2_58D876558732_mobile.html = Beede Hall
The residence halls within the North Complex (Beede, Mickelson, Richardson and Olson Halls) offer first-year and upper-class students a great opportunity to get involved in academic and social groups, living learning communities and activities. Each floor in North Complex includes a communal kitchen and laundry room. The North Complex halls house 1,444 students and are conveniently located near the Fine Arts Center, the Wellness Center, School of Education, Muenster University Student Center and DakotaDome.
HTMLText_94A13D4E_C618_DF64_41B5_5D900D87A8AE.html = Olson Hall
Part of the North Complex collection of resident halls for first-year students, Olson Hall features double occupancy rooms with coed and single-gender floors. Located near the Wellness Center, Muenster University Center, Dakota Dome and academic buildings, the North Complex is in the center of student activity.
HTMLText_94A13D4E_C618_DF64_41B5_5D900D87A8AE_mobile.html = Olson Hall
Part of the North Complex collection of resident halls for first-year students, Olson Hall features double occupancy rooms with coed and single-gender floors. Located near the Wellness Center, Muenster University Center, Dakota Dome and academic buildings, the North Complex is in the center of student activity.
HTMLText_94AB34CE_C627_2D64_41D3_3BCB96990DBB.html = Mickelson Hall
Part of the North Complex collection of residence halls for first-year students, Mickelson Hall features double occupancy rooms with coed and single-gender floors. Located near the Wellness Center, Muenster University Center, DakotaDome and academic buildings, the North Complex is in the center of student activity.
HTMLText_94AB34CE_C627_2D64_41D3_3BCB96990DBB_mobile.html = Mickelson Hall
Part of the North Complex collection of residence halls for first-year students, Mickelson Hall features double occupancy rooms with coed and single-gender floors. Located near the Wellness Center, Muenster University Center, DakotaDome and academic buildings, the North Complex is in the center of student activity.
HTMLText_98509921_AD5F_EC99_41DF_E2F488ED0BC9.html = Slagle Hall
Originally built in 1927, Slagle Hall is home to the Office of the President, Provost, business office and other campus administrators. The Department of Modern Languages & Linguistics is located on Slagle's third floor. Slagle Hall also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus.
HTMLText_98509921_AD5F_EC99_41DF_E2F488ED0BC9_mobile.html = Slagle Hall
Originally built in 1927, Slagle Hall is home to the Office of the President, Provost, business office and other campus administrators. The Department of Modern Languages & Linguistics is located on Slagle's third floor. Slagle Hall also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus.
HTMLText_99B629EA_C328_EE13_41D2_C8D89435E72A.html = Cook House
Given in trust to the university by H.M. Cook as a memorial to his wife, Cook House is home to the Student Counseling Center and services and resources for counseling, support and advocacy.
HTMLText_99B629EA_C328_EE13_41D2_C8D89435E72A_mobile.html = Cook House
Given in trust to the university by H.M. Cook as a memorial to his wife, Cook House is home to the Student Counseling Center and services and resources for counseling, support and advocacy.
HTMLText_9A7B8B3E_AD71_2CEB_41BC_299127E22438.html = Muenster University Center
The hub of student life at USD, the Muenster University Center is your place to grab a bite, meet your friends, or crack a book in the lounge and study areas. Dining options include national brands Chick-fil-A, Qdoba and Einstein Bros in addition to all-you-can eat residential dining options. The MUC serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus. From concerts and dances to comedians and movies, if it’s happening on campus, it’s happening at the MUC.
HTMLText_9A7B8B3E_AD71_2CEB_41BC_299127E22438_mobile.html = Muenster University Center
The hub of student life at USD, the Muenster University Center is your place to grab a bite, meet your friends, or crack a book in the lounge and study areas. Dining options include national brands Chick-fil-A, Qdoba and Einstein Bros in addition to all-you-can eat residential dining options. The MUC serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus. From concerts and dances to comedians and movies, if it’s happening on campus, it’s happening at the MUC.
HTMLText_9C54A416_C338_6632_41E7_377094FC0EE3.html = Burgess Hall
Available to juniors, seniors and graduate students, Burgess Hall offers smaller student communities on single-gender floors. Single and double rooms are available, and each room is air-conditioned.
HTMLText_9C54A416_C338_6632_41E7_377094FC0EE3_mobile.html = Burgess Hall
Available to juniors, seniors and graduate students, Burgess Hall offers smaller student communities on single-gender floors. Single and double rooms are available, and each room is air-conditioned.
HTMLText_9C578418_C338_663E_41C6_1CCCD0FF5E54.html = Cook House
Given in trust to the university by H.M. Cook as a memorial to his wife, Cook House is home to the Student Counseling Center and services and resources for counseling, support and advocacy.
HTMLText_9C578418_C338_663E_41C6_1CCCD0FF5E54_mobile.html = Cook House
Given in trust to the university by H.M. Cook as a memorial to his wife, Cook House is home to the Student Counseling Center and services and resources for counseling, support and advocacy.
HTMLText_9C65418A_C2E8_BE12_41D4_91797CA971C2.html = Cook House
Given in trust to the university by H.M. Cook as a memorial to his wife, Cook House is home to the Student Counseling Center and services and resources for counseling, support and advocacy.
HTMLText_9C65418A_C2E8_BE12_41D4_91797CA971C2_mobile.html = Cook House
Given in trust to the university by H.M. Cook as a memorial to his wife, Cook House is home to the Student Counseling Center and services and resources for counseling, support and advocacy.
HTMLText_9CFDBE9E_AD53_E5AB_41BB_DAF150052C34.html = College of Arts & Sciences
With its colonial-style architecture, the Arts & Sciences Building was originally constructed to house the USD School of Law. Today, it is home to the College of Arts & Sciences administrative offices, computer science offices, and classrooms to just some of the College of Arts and Sciences' more than 20 academic programs.
HTMLText_9CFDBE9E_AD53_E5AB_41BB_DAF150052C34_mobile.html = College of Arts & Sciences
With its colonial-style architecture, the Arts & Sciences Building was originally constructed to house the USD School of Law. Today, it is home to the College of Arts & Sciences administrative offices, computer science offices, and classrooms to just some of the College of Arts and Sciences' more than 20 academic programs.
HTMLText_A03FC8EC_C368_6E16_41D6_C7AFAC5A4F42.html = Coyote Village
USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
HTMLText_A03FC8EC_C368_6E16_41D6_C7AFAC5A4F42_mobile.html = Coyote Village
USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
HTMLText_A0619ACD_C379_A216_41A9_859BE161CA85.html = Coyote Village
USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
HTMLText_A0619ACD_C379_A216_41A9_859BE161CA85_mobile.html = Coyote Village
USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
HTMLText_A0EEFA75_C378_62F6_41BE_D36F09FEC1B6.html = Sanford Coyote Sports Center
• Home to Coyote Volleyball & Basketball
• 7,500 sq foot weight room & nutrition bar
• State of the art athletic training facilities
• Two practice courts
• Home to the Science, Health & research Lab for occupational therapy, physical therapy, kinesiology and sport management and sports medicine programs
HTMLText_A0EEFA75_C378_62F6_41BE_D36F09FEC1B6_mobile.html = Sanford Coyote Sports Center
Home to the Coyote basketball and volleyball teams, the Sanford Coyote Sports Center also houses the Science, Health and Research Lab - a centralized location for occupational therapy, physical therapy, kinesiology and sport management, and sports medicine programs.
HTMLText_A131E0C3_C31B_9E12_41C0_CA2FDABD7497.html = Warren M. Lee Center for the Fine Arts
Warren M. Lee Center for the Fine Arts - Home to the region’s only College of Fine Arts, USD provides musicians, artists and actors the chance to learn, create, inspire and perform inside the many studios, galleries, labs, concert halls and even center-stage at the 450-seat Knutson Theatre.
HTMLText_A131E0C3_C31B_9E12_41C0_CA2FDABD7497_mobile.html = Warren M. Lee Center for the Fine Arts
Warren M. Lee Center for the Fine Arts - Home to the region’s only College of Fine Arts, USD provides musicians, artists and actors the chance to learn, create, inspire and perform inside the many studios, galleries, labs, concert halls and even center-stage at the 450-seat Knutson Theatre.
HTMLText_A2FC8289_C629_25EC_41DB_B71C6916460B.html = Center for Continuing Education
A building with a long history of serving students in many capacities, the Center for Continuing Education continues that tradition as home to the Student Veterans Resource Center, math emporium and USD Copy Center.
HTMLText_A2FC8289_C629_25EC_41DB_B71C6916460B_mobile.html = Center for Continuing Education
A building with a long history of serving students in many capacities, the Center for Continuing Education continues that tradition as home to the Student Veterans Resource Center, math emporium and USD Copy Center.
HTMLText_A64BB71D_C36F_A236_41E6_F10054694073.html = DakotaDome
• Originally constructed in 1979 with renovations completed in Fall 2020
• Approx. 10,000 seats
• Serves as home for Coyote football, track and field & swimming and diving
• Astroturf playing surface as well as multiple team spaces
HTMLText_A64BB71D_C36F_A236_41E6_F10054694073_mobile.html = DakotaDome
USD’s athletic teams stay warm, dry and virtually unbeatable inside one of South Dakota’s most iconic structures: the DakotaDome. With a capacity of 11,000 red-clad Coyote fans, the Dome provides an electric atmosphere for students and an unparalleled home-field advantage for the NCAA Division I USD teams. Go Yotes!
HTMLText_A674F71F_C36F_A232_41BB_E3B52A76F931.html = Coyote Village
USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
HTMLText_A674F71F_C36F_A232_41BB_E3B52A76F931_mobile.html = Coyote Village
USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
HTMLText_A74E5C4C_BDB2_0D8A_41D9_3BFEF70156A5.html = Pardee Estee Laboratories
Opened in 1915 as the original chemistry building, the Pardee Laboratory still houses the Department of Chemistry's offices, labs and classrooms.
HTMLText_A74E5C4C_BDB2_0D8A_41D9_3BFEF70156A5_mobile.html = Pardee Estee Laboratories
Opened in 1915 as the original chemistry building, the Pardee Laboratory still houses the Department of Chemistry's offices, labs and classrooms.
HTMLText_A82E3DD9_C329_A63E_415F_A6FC58580F9B.html = Norton Hall
Available to juniors, seniors and graduate students, Norton Hall offers smaller student communities on single-gender floors. Single and double rooms are available, and each room is air-conditioned.
HTMLText_A82E3DD9_C329_A63E_415F_A6FC58580F9B_mobile.html = Norton Hall
Available to juniors, seniors and graduate students, Norton Hall offers smaller student communities on single-gender floors. Single and double rooms are available, and each room is air-conditioned.
HTMLText_C82B7BDB_A8B9_4C6F_41E3_BA061646CFE2.html = Noteboom Hall
Originally a dormitory for women in 1954, (Charlotte) Noteboom Hall now serves as the home to the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
HTMLText_C82B7BDB_A8B9_4C6F_41E3_BA061646CFE2_mobile.html = Noteboom Hall
Originally a dormitory for women in 1954, (Charlotte) Noteboom Hall now serves as the home to the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
HTMLText_CE0EC410_A947_5BF9_41DC_E38AE4A93917.html = Doc Farber Statue
William O. "Doc" Farber by Lee Leuing
HTMLText_CE0EC410_A947_5BF9_41DC_E38AE4A93917_mobile.html = Doc Farber Statue
William O. "Doc" Farber by Lee Leuing
HTMLText_D0B17A73_C119_A2F2_41A7_161A055A5FCB.html = Danforth Chapel
One of 24 chapels funded in part by the Danforth Foundation and the Danforth Chapel Program , USD's Danforth Chapel (1954) continues to welcome students for memorials, meditation and weddings. A unique aspect of the USD chapel is the steep roof designed to help with the removal of snow during South Dakota winters.
HTMLText_D0B17A73_C119_A2F2_41A7_161A055A5FCB_mobile.html = Danforth Chapel
One of 24 chapels funded in part by the Danforth Foundation and the Danforth Chapel Program , USD's Danforth Chapel (1954) continues to welcome students for memorials, meditation and weddings. A unique aspect of the USD chapel is the steep roof designed to help with the removal of snow during South Dakota winters.
HTMLText_D2A5621E_C669_64E4_41D4_9570B1334CA0.html = Farber House
Former home of iconic USD political science professor William O. "Doc" Farber, the Farber House now hosts political science classes and offices for the Government Research Bureau - an academic research organization that conducts applied research on public policy and administrative issues affecting the State of South Dakota, local governments and American Indian Reservations.
HTMLText_D2A5621E_C669_64E4_41D4_9570B1334CA0_mobile.html = Farber House
Former home of iconic USD political science professor William O. "Doc" Farber, the Farber House now hosts political science classes and offices for the Government Research Bureau - an academic research organization that conducts applied research on public policy and administrative issues affecting the State of South Dakota, local governments and American Indian Reservations.
HTMLText_D2A7F221_C669_64DC_41B2_0756AC59B4DD.html = Coyote Village
USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
HTMLText_D2A7F221_C669_64DC_41B2_0756AC59B4DD_mobile.html = Coyote Village
USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
HTMLText_D80266E8_C129_A21E_41C3_16D43B46CA1F.html = South Dakota Union
The original student center, the South Dakota Union(1930) was the hang-out for USD students until 1965. The building now houses the offices of the Department of Psychology and the Psychological Services Center - a teaching, training and research center doctoral training program in clinical psychology supported by the American Psychological Association.
HTMLText_D80266E8_C129_A21E_41C3_16D43B46CA1F_mobile.html = South Dakota Union
The original student center, the South Dakota Union(1930) was the hang-out for USD students until 1965. The building now houses the offices of the Department of Psychology and the Psychological Services Center - a teaching, training and research center doctoral training program in clinical psychology supported by the American Psychological Association.
HTMLText_DACF2C5C_A565_F396_41E1_3383B01A4F40.html = Lee Medicine & Science Building
A cornerstone for regional health care, USD’s Sanford School of Medicine - housed here at the Lee Medicine and Science Building - is the only medical school in the state. “Lee Med” features state-of-the-art technology with laboratories and classrooms designed to emphasize team teaching and problem solving.
HTMLText_DACF2C5C_A565_F396_41E1_3383B01A4F40_mobile.html = Lee Medicine & Science Building
A cornerstone for regional health care, USD’s Sanford School of Medicine - housed here at the Lee Medicine and Science Building - is the only medical school in the state. “Lee Med” features state-of-the-art technology with laboratories and classrooms designed to emphasize team teaching and problem solving.
HTMLText_DE2E16C6_A565_FCF2_41E1_95D9B063C644.html = Delzell Education Center
Home of the USD School of Education, the Delzell Education Center (1963) is where innovative programming and partnerships are revolutionizing the way we prepare, place and support new teachers. The school focuses on a comprehensive learning experience, lifelong learning and developing professionals grounded in best practice. The Delzell Education Center also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus.
HTMLText_DE2E16C6_A565_FCF2_41E1_95D9B063C644_mobile.html = Delzell Education Center
Home of the USD School of Education, the Delzell Education Center (1963) is where innovative programming and partnerships are revolutionizing the way we prepare, place and support new teachers. The school focuses on a comprehensive learning experience, lifelong learning and developing professionals grounded in best practice. The Delzell Education Center also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus.
HTMLText_DEEB8DFB_C679_DF2C_41DC_6662A9A50519.html = Coyote Village
USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
HTMLText_DEECBDF3_C679_DF3C_41E2_3E1E27A193B5.html = Burr House
Located at the corner of Cherry and University, theBurr House is home to the University's Department of Military Science.
HTMLText_DEECBDF3_C679_DF3C_41E2_3E1E27A193B5_mobile.html = Burr House
Located at the corner of Cherry and University, theBurr House is home to the University's Department of Military Science.
HTMLText_E12AAD1B_C11B_A632_41D2_DDFF416BC938.html = Julian Hall
Julian Hall serves as the instructional home to the nursing, social work and addiction studies programs as well as offices for the School of Education's USD Head Start program. Originally serving as a men's dormitory in 1950, the building expanded in 1958 with the construction of the adjoining Julian Hall Addition.
HTMLText_E12AAD1B_C11B_A632_41D2_DDFF416BC938_mobile.html = Julian Hall
Julian Hall serves as the instructional home to the nursing, social work and addiction studies programs as well as offices for the School of Education's USD Head Start program. Originally serving as a men's dormitory in 1950, the building expanded in 1958 with the construction of the adjoining Julian Hall Addition.
HTMLText_E439B9DF_C128_6E32_41BA_76EC63D06F55.html = Akeley-Lawrence Science Center
Home to the physics department and chemistry labs, the Akeley-Lawrence Science Center is named for former USD dean Lewis Akeley and USD graduate John Lawrence – known as the “Father of Nuclear Medicine” for his pioneering work in nuclear science. John’s brother Ernest – another USD graduate – went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1939 for his work in inventing the Cyclotron.
HTMLText_E439B9DF_C128_6E32_41BA_76EC63D06F55_mobile.html = Akeley-Lawrence Science Center
Home to the physics department and chemistry labs, the Akeley-Lawrence Science Center is named for former USD dean Lewis Akeley and USD graduate John Lawrence – known as the “Father of Nuclear Medicine” for his pioneering work in nuclear science. John’s brother Ernest – another USD graduate – went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1939 for his work in inventing the Cyclotron.
HTMLText_E470869E_C629_2DE4_41D2_5C58E58DEB01.html = McFadden Hall
With the privacy of apartment living and the convenience of campus life, McFadden Hall is an ideal option for juniors, seniors and graduate students. Complete with individual, furnished rooms, high-speed internet and cable TV, each four-person apartment includes a communal living space and kitchen with microwave, stove, refrigerator and dishwasher.
HTMLText_E470869E_C629_2DE4_41D2_5C58E58DEB01_mobile.html = McFadden Hall
With the privacy of apartment living and the convenience of campus life, McFadden Hall is an ideal option for juniors, seniors and graduate students. Complete with individual, furnished rooms, high-speed internet and cable TV, each four-person apartment includes a communal living space and kitchen with microwave, stove, refrigerator and dishwasher.
HTMLText_E47766A0_C629_2DDC_41D3_585A590F1E12.html = Coyote Village
USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
HTMLText_E7078D95_ACB1_67B9_41C4_9449C7A8AE7C.html = Davidson Building
The Davidson Building is home to the USD Police Department - the official law enforcement authority for the university. UPD operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure a safe and secure environment for the university community. Also housed within the building, Facilities Management creates and maintains the physical environment to promote university excellence.
HTMLText_E7078D95_ACB1_67B9_41C4_9449C7A8AE7C_mobile.html = Davidson Building
The Davidson Building is home to the USD Police Department - the official law enforcement authority for the university. UPD operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure a safe and secure environment for the university community. Also housed within the building, Facilities Management creates and maintains the physical environment to promote university excellence.
HTMLText_E7F39716_A949_C5F9_41B3_559A5B565078.html = Service Center
Located in the heart of the campus, the Service Center is the home to USD Disability Services as well as USD Postal Services and the campus Office Stores.
HTMLText_E7F39716_A949_C5F9_41B3_559A5B565078_mobile.html = Service Center
Located in the heart of the campus, the Service Center is the home to USD Disability Services as well as USD Postal Services and the campus Office Stores.
HTMLText_EB1837A8_BDD4_DB90_41D3_1F5C9B045EAA.html = Churchill-Haines Laboratories
Churchill-Haines and Pardee Laboratories house the offices and research facilities for the chemistry and biology departments.
HTMLText_EB1837A8_BDD4_DB90_41D3_1F5C9B045EAA_mobile.html = Churchill-Haines Laboratories
Churchill-Haines and Pardee Laboratories house the offices and research facilities for the chemistry and biology departments.
HTMLText_ECBE7E42_ACB1_249B_41C9_514A05FE8AFD.html = Patterson Hall
Located on Cherry Street near the entrance to the campus, Patterson Hall originally housed the school of business when it was completed in 1957. Patterson now serves as home to offices for math, physics and the Small Business Development Center.
HTMLText_ECBE7E42_ACB1_249B_41C9_514A05FE8AFD_mobile.html = Patterson Hall
Located on Cherry Street near the entrance to the campus, Patterson Hall originally housed the school of business when it was completed in 1957. Patterson now serves as home to offices for math, physics and the Small Business Development Center.
HTMLText_F45542A0_A94A_DCD9_41D6_AB56F1E49430.html = East Hall
Originally a dormitory for women when it opened in 1887, East Hall now houses the offices of the dental hygiene department as well as the social sciences including anthropology, history, philosophy, native studies and sociology.
HTMLText_F45542A0_A94A_DCD9_41D6_AB56F1E49430_mobile.html = East Hall
Originally a dormitory for women when it opened in 1887, East Hall now houses the offices of the dental hygiene department as well as the social sciences including anthropology, history, philosophy, native studies and sociology.
HTMLText_F666B49B_BC4B_DDB0_41C7_BC43986F5A50.html = Al Neuharth Media Center
Named for the USA Today founder and USD alum, the Al Neuharth Media Center is home to USD’s media and journalism program. Students gain real-world experiences in public relations, advertising and social media, as well as in student-run media including The Volante student newspaper, KAOR radio station and KYOT TV station.
HTMLText_F666B49B_BC4B_DDB0_41C7_BC43986F5A50_mobile.html = Al Neuharth Media Center
Named for the USA Today founder and USD alum, the Al Neuharth Media Center is home to USD’s media and journalism program. Students gain real-world experiences in public relations, advertising and social media, as well as in student-run media including The Volante student newspaper, KAOR radio station and KYOT TV station.
HTMLText_F850978C_AF72_E3AF_41E4_575A09099FCF.html = I.D. Weeks Library
Much more than just stacks of books, the I.D. Weeks Library provides assistance and support in locating and using the vast amounts of resources available. On the first floor, you'll find the Academic Commons, including the Academic and Career Planning Center, Center for Academic and Global Engagement, IT Help Desk, International Office, Writing Center and Speech Presentation Center.
HTMLText_F850978C_AF72_E3AF_41E4_575A09099FCF_mobile.html = I.D. Weeks Library
Much more than just stacks of books, the I.D. Weeks Library provides assistance and support in locating and using the vast amounts of resources available. On the first floor, you'll find the Academic Commons, including the Academic and Career Planning Center, Center for Academic and Global Engagement, IT Help Desk, International Office, Writing Center and Speech Presentation Center.
HTMLText_FBF779D8_BC7F_B7B0_41D9_1D65E98F0037.html = Beacom School of Business
Located in Beacom Hall, the Beacom School of Business is the region's leader in business education, providing students with leadership skills and hands-on experiences through nationally respected and AACSB fully-accredited programs.
HTMLText_FBF779D8_BC7F_B7B0_41D9_1D65E98F0037_mobile.html = Beacom School of Business
Located in Beacom Hall, the Beacom School of Business is the region's leader in business education, providing students with leadership skills and hands-on experiences through nationally respected and AACSB fully-accredited programs.
HTMLText_FD7A72F0_A9BF_3C39_41D4_299BE53E32E9.html = McKusick Technology Center
Adjoining the Arts & Science building, the McKusick Technology Center is home to the Center for Teaching & Learning and graduate school offices.
HTMLText_FD7A72F0_A9BF_3C39_41D4_299BE53E32E9_mobile.html = McKusick Technology Center
Adjoining the Arts & Science building, the McKusick Technology Center is home to the Center for Teaching & Learning and graduate school offices.
HTMLText_FE9F70A7_A73C_94B2_41C1_BC45D9A4FA17.html = USD Wellness Center
Your favorite recreation, fitness and intramural activities are right here at the USD Wellness Center: Fully equipped cardio and weight rooms, group fitness, studios, multipurpose recreation courts, racquetball courts, spinning room, jogging track and South Dakota’s highest climbing wall.
HTMLText_FE9F70A7_A73C_94B2_41C1_BC45D9A4FA17_mobile.html = USD Wellness Center
Your favorite recreation, fitness and intramural activities are right here at the USD Wellness Center: Fully equipped cardio and weight rooms, group fitness, studios, multipurpose recreation courts, racquetball courts, spinning room, jogging track and South Dakota’s highest climbing wall.
## Media
### Subtitle
panorama_5574E835_5B45_4809_41B3_26E67F29D2AC.subtitle = Located in Beacom Hall, the Beacom School of Business is the region's leader in business education, providing students with leadership skills and hands-on experiences through nationally respected and AACSB fully-accredited programs.
panorama_557508D3_5B45_4809_418A_F13F7E1F22F2.subtitle = Named for the USA Today founder and USD alum, the Al Neuharth Media Center is home to USD’s media and journalism program. Studentsgain real-world experiences in public relations,advertising and social media, as well as in student-run media including The Volante student newspaper, KAOR radio station and KYOT TV station.
panorama_55751959_5B45_4839_41BB_AEB1C74881DF.subtitle = Located in Beacom Hall, the Beacom School of Business is the region's leader in business education, providing students with leadership skills and hands-on experiences through nationally respected and AACSB fully-accredited programs.
panorama_55751967_5B45_C809_41A1_C9DCD6693AA4.subtitle = Churchill-Haines and Pardee Laboratories house the offices and research facilities for the chemistry and biology departments.
panorama_5575386D_5B45_4819_419E_F9AF7DF7C7A9.subtitle = USD School of Law (1980) - The only law school in the state, the USD School of Law is consistently recognized as a best value law school. The School of Law also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus. About 70% of South Dakota lawyers graduated from the USD School of Law.
panorama_557540B7_5B45_7809_41D2_691E57EAC3D8.subtitle = USD School of Law (1980) - The only law school in the state, the USD School of Law is consistently recognized as a best value law school. The School of Law also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus. About 70% of South Dakota lawyers graduated from the USD School of Law.
panorama_5575FA05_5B45_C809_41C8_D8DFA498011E.subtitle = Opened in 1915 as the original chemistry building, the Pardee Laboratory still houses the Department of Chemistry's offices, labs and classrooms.
panorama_557B25DF_5B4B_7839_41C3_A829023DB503.subtitle = Located on Cherry Street near the entrance to the campus, Patterson Hall originally housed the school of business when it was completed in 1957. Patterson now serves as home to offices for math, physics and the Small Business Development Center.
panorama_557B2740_5B4A_F807_41D6_9CDA6D623C72.subtitle = Muenster University Center West Entrance
panorama_557B2C53_5B4B_4809_41A8_1B47BDD08D9D.subtitle = Home of the USD School of Education, the Delzell Education Center (1963) is where innovative programming and partnerships are revolutionizing the way we prepare, place and support new teachers.The school focuses on a comprehensive learning experience, lifelong learning and developing professionals grounded in best practice. The Delzell Education Center also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus.
panorama_557B2DDE_5B4B_483B_41C8_C851D886C7BE.subtitle = Northeast Coroner
panorama_557B3678_5B4B_5807_41D1_A5930E2A164C.subtitle = Legacy Statue
panorama_557B44A8_5B4B_D807_41B4_E407736A7EA3.subtitle = Patterson Hall
panorama_557B453C_5B4B_D87F_41C5_EAA1A63C9798.subtitle = The hub of student life at USD, the Muenster University Center is your place to grab a bite, meet your friends, or crack a book in the lounge and study areas. Dining options include national brands Chick-fil-A, Qdoba and Einstein Bros in addition to alll-you-can eat residential dining options. The MUC serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus. From concerts and dances to comedians and movies, if it’s happening on campus, it’s happening at the MUC.
panorama_557BC571_5B4B_3809_41B6_13B8CCE20D9E.subtitle = Located on Cherry Street near the entrance to the campus, Patterson Hall originally housed the school of business when it was completed in 1957. Patterson now serves as home to offices for math, physics and the Small Business Development Center.
panorama_557BFD41_5B4B_C809_41D3_86C7AFBF7630.subtitle = Located on Cherry Street near the entrance to the campus, Patterson Hall originally housed the school of business when it was completed in 1957. Patterson now serves as home to offices for math, physics and the Small Business Development Center.
panorama_557CBDA9_5B4D_C819_419E_507B84CB212B.subtitle = Adjoining the Arts & Science building, the McKusick Technology Center is home to the Center for Teaching & Learning and graduate school offices.
panorama_557CCB27_5B4B_4809_41CE_C8096E7B4BFF.subtitle = The Davidson Building is home to the USD Police Department - the official law enforcement authority for the university. UPD operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure a safe and secure environment for the university community. Also housed within the building, Facilities Management creates and maintains the physical environment to promote university excellence.
panorama_557CCBDB_5B4B_4839_418D_02576A648293.subtitle = Much more than just stacks of books, the I.D. Weeks Library provides assistance and support in locating and using the vast amounts of resources available. On the first floor, you'll find the Academic Commons, including the Academic and Career Planning Center, Center for Academic and Global Engagement, IT Help Desk, International Office, Writing Center and Speech Presentation Center.
panorama_557CD426_5B4B_580B_41A2_A82BB2965B24.subtitle = Much more than just stacks of books, the I.D. Weeks Library provides assistance and support in locating and using the vast amounts of resources available. On the first floor, you'll find the Academic Commons, including the Academic and Career Planning Center, Center for Academic and Global Engagement, IT Help Desk, International Office, Writing Center and Speech Presentation Center.
panorama_557DB220_5B4A_F807_41D0_83711195F122.subtitle = Delzell Education Center
panorama_557DB6BA_5B4D_387B_41B7_670293C4C09E.subtitle = Originally a dormitory for women when it opened in 1887, East Hall now houses the offices of the dental hygiene department as well as the social sciences including anthropology, history, philosophy, native studies and sociology.
panorama_557DC806_5B4D_480B_41B5_49DA7E8F2A08.subtitle = Dakota Hall (1919) serves as home to the departments of English, math, international studies and political science.
panorama_557DF0D5_5B4D_3809_41D0_1B4C64E30CEA.subtitle = Originally a dormitory for women in 1954, (Charlotte) Noteboom Hall now serves as the home to the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
panorama_559105A0_5AFD_D807_41D6_8B2EB1F14D23.subtitle = Originally built in 1927, Slagle Hall is home to the Office of the President, Provost, business office and other campus administrators. The Department of Modern Languages & Linguistics is located on Slagle's third floor. Slagle Hall also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus.
panorama_568FB890_5AFB_4807_41D1_80EDB7468AD5.subtitle = Originally built in 1927, Slagle Hall is home to the Office of the President, Provost, business office and other campus administrators. The Department of Modern Languages & Linguistics is located on Slagle's third floor. Slagle Hall also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus.
panorama_568FDFD1_5AFB_C809_41D2_EA98F70DE959.subtitle = Boasting spectacular acoustics and sight-lines, Aalfs Auditorium hosts everything from lectures and student performances to concerts from chart-topping artists and bands. Originally built in 1925 as Slagle Auditorium, the venue was renovated in 2008 as the Bailey and Kathy Aalfs Auditorium.
panorama_569113FD_5AFD_5FF9_41C1_21F10F8AC899.subtitle = A cornerstone for regional health care, USD’s Sanford School of Medicine - housed here at the Lee Medicine and Science building - is the only medical school in the state. “Lee Med” features state-of-the-art technology with laboratories and classrooms designed to emphasize team teaching and problem solving.
panorama_56911540_5AFD_5807_41C5_3A7636D781FC.subtitle = A cornerstone for regional health care, USD’s Sanford School of Medicine - housed here at the Lee Medicine and Science building - is the only medical school in the state. “Lee Med” features state-of-the-art technology with laboratories and classrooms designed to emphasize team teaching and problem solving.
panorama_569115C9_5AFD_3819_41D1_B711DFE7F16C.subtitle = Founded in 1973, the internationally-renowned museum includes collections of more than 14,500 instruments spanning all cultures and historical periods.
panorama_56913309_5AFA_D819_41C6_2C737AC197F7.subtitle = Originally built in 1927, Slagle Hall is home to the Office of the President, Provost, business office and other campus administrators. The Department of Modern Languages & Linguistics is located on Slagle's third floor. Slagle Hall also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus.
panorama_5691DE12_5AFD_C80B_41A7_0C84E460CEE2.subtitle = The Native American Cultural Center provides a culturally-enriching environment where students can access meeting rooms, computer lab, Lakota language lab as well as engage in social activities such as drum group practice, Sundance meetings.
panorama_7762E0EB_791E_BEA0_41D4_08C2C9D37FC8.subtitle = Julian Hall serves as the instructional home to the nursing, social work and addiction studies programs as well as offices for the School of Education's USD Head Start program. Originally serving as a men's dormitory in 1950, the building expanded in 1958 with the construction of the adjoining Julian Hall Addition.
panorama_7762F1B8_791E_DEA0_41DC_1537D23AC6D4.subtitle = Students seeking a quiet, private environment with the convenience of on-campus living may opt for Brookman Hall (1963) as their campus residence. Brookman offers single unit living spaces with single-gender and coed floors. Brookman also accommodates students who arrive early to campus or stay over break periods because of their academic schedule of distance from home.
panorama_77637A65_791E_CDA0_41B4_AA6117FE180A.subtitle = Home to the physics department and chemistry labs, the Akeley-Lawrence Science Center is named for former USD dean Lewis Akeley and USD graduate John Lawrence – known as the “Father of Nuclear Medicine” for his pioneering work in nuclear science. John’s brother Ernest – another USD graduate – went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1939 for his work in inventing the Cyclotron.
panorama_7763DB9C_791F_4360_41CB_CB6A762AD7D5.subtitle = Julian Hall serves as the instructional home to the nursing, social work and addiction studies programs as well as offices for the School of Education's USD Head Start program. Originally serving as a men's dormitory in 1950, the building expanded in 1958 with the construction of the adjoining Julian Hall Addition.
panorama_7764C840_7919_4DE0_41D7_F54A16A2C3D8.subtitle = The original student center, the South Dakota Union(1930) was the hang-out for USD students until 1965. The building now houses the offices of the Department of Psychology and the Psychological Services Center - a teaching, training and research center doctoral training program in clinical psychology supported by the American Psychological Association.
panorama_777A24AA_791A_C6A0_41D7_F3D7C8FDFC80.subtitle = Your favorite recreation, fitness and intramural activities are right here at the USD Wellness Center: Fully equipped cardio and weight rooms, group fitness, studios, multipurpose recreation courts, racquetball courts, spinning room, jogging track and South Dakota’s highest climbing wall.
panorama_777A85E7_791A_C6A0_41C7_8D6E78D2956C.subtitle = USD’s athletic teams stay warm, dry and virtually unbeatable inside one of South Dakota’s most iconic structures: the DakotaDome. With a capacity of 11,000 red-clad Coyote fans, the Dome provides an electric atmosphere for students and an unparalleled home-field advantage for the NCAA Division I USD teams. Go Yotes!
panorama_777A9D77_791A_C7A0_41C2_CF8BAC312F08.subtitle = The W.H. Over Museum preserves and collects the photographs, art, artifacts and items representative of the natural history of the inhabitants and ethnic groups of South Dakota.
panorama_777A9F27_791B_43A0_41C0_D27D3FC2B56B.subtitle = USD’s athletic teams stay warm, dry and virtually unbeatable inside one of South Dakota’s most iconic structures: the DakotaDome. With a capacity of 11,000 red-clad Coyote fans, the Dome provides an electric atmosphere for students and an unparalleled home-field advantage for the NCAA Division I USD teams. Go Yotes!
panorama_777AA6AC_791B_42A0_41D5_59CB837E9E27.subtitle = USD’s athletic teams stay warm, dry and virtually unbeatable inside one of South Dakota’s most iconic structures: the DakotaDome. With a capacity of 11,000 red-clad Coyote fans, the Dome provides an electric atmosphere for students and an unparalleled home-field advantage for the NCAA Division I USD teams. Go Yotes!
panorama_777AAF94_791B_4360_41C0_1CDA55E37A90.subtitle = Home to the Coyote basketball and volleyball teams, the Sanford Coyote Sports Center also houses the Science, Health and Research Lab - a centralized location for occupational therapy, physical therapy, kinesiology and sport management, and sports medicine programs.
panorama_777AB736_791B_43A0_41D8_BEE437568A8C.subtitle = Home to the Coyote basketball and volleyball teams, the Sanford Coyote Sports Center also houses the Science, Health and Research Lab - a centralized location for occupational therapy, physical therapy, kinesiology and sport management, and sports medicine programs.
panorama_777ACC3F_791A_C5A0_41D1_86A5F55BC7F6.subtitle = Former home of iconic USD political science professor William O. "Doc" Farber, the Farber House now hosts political science classes and offices for the Government Research Bureau - an academic research organization that conducts applied research on public policy and administrative issues affecting the State of South Dakota, local governments and American Indian Reservations.
panorama_777ACE95_791A_C560_41CB_08B611481675.subtitle = USD’s athletic teams stay warm, dry and virtually unbeatable inside one of South Dakota’s most iconic structures: the DakotaDome. With a capacity of 11,000 red-clad Coyote fans, the Dome provides an electric atmosphere for students and an unparalleled home-field advantage for the NCAA Division I USD teams. Go Yotes!
panorama_777B27C2_791B_42E0_41DD_E53471971153.subtitle = Home to the Coyote basketball and volleyball teams, the Sanford Coyote Sports Center also houses the Science, Health and Research Lab - a centralized location for occupational therapy, physical therapy, kinesiology and sport management, and sports medicine programs.
panorama_777B479C_791B_4360_41D6_41ADE1C9D146.subtitle = Home to the Coyote basketball and volleyball teams, the Sanford Coyote Sports Center also houses the Science, Health and Research Lab - a centralized location for occupational therapy, physical therapy, kinesiology and sport management, and sports medicine programs.
panorama_777B6971_791B_CFA0_41B9_2B2B62F6D331.subtitle = Warren M. Lee Center for the Fine Arts - Home to the region’s only College of Fine Arts, USD provides musicians, artists and actors the chance to learn, create, inspire and perform inside the many studios, galleries, labs, concert halls and even center-stage at the 450-seat Knutson Theatre.
panorama_777B7196_791B_BF60_41DA_244CA95974C2.subtitle = Located at the corner of Cherry and University, theBurr House is home to the University's Department of Military Science.
panorama_777BC05D_791B_DDE0_41D1_56C129D99D59.subtitle = USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
panorama_777BE828_791B_CDA0_41D9_18A6140CE971.subtitle = USD’s suite-style student housing option offers fully furnished two- and four-student suites. Other amenities include full-sized living rooms, kitchen and kitchenette options, P.O.D. convenience store, full-service business center and community lounge area.
panorama_777C458B_791F_4760_41D3_4EFD9B45ADD5.subtitle = Churchill-Haines and Pardee Laboratories house the offices and research facilities for the chemistry and biology departments.
panorama_777C7750_791F_C3E0_4189_3ECE09F9B51D.subtitle = Named for the USA Today founder and USD alum, the Al Neuharth Media Center is home to USD’s media and journalism program. Studentsgain real-world experiences in public relations,advertising and social media, as well as in student-run media including The Volante student newspaper, KAOR radio station and KYOT TV station.
panorama_777CEE9C_791F_C560_41D7_A85DA530387D.subtitle = Home to the physics department and chemistry labs, the Akeley-Lawrence Science Center is named for former USD dean Lewis Akeley and USD graduate John Lawrence – known as the “Father of Nuclear Medicine” for his pioneering work in nuclear science. John’s brother Ernest – another USD graduate – went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1939 for his work in inventing the Cyclotron.
panorama_777DE983_791F_4F60_41C3_7E5FA8A805A2.subtitle = Named for the USA Today founder and USD alum, the Al Neuharth Media Center is home to USD’s media and journalism program. Studentsgain real-world experiences in public relations,advertising and social media, as well as in student-run media including The Volante student newspaper, KAOR radio station and KYOT TV station.
panorama_777E33CE_7919_42E0_41D5_4AAF88598752.subtitle = Warren M. Lee Center for the Fine Arts - Home to the region’s only College of Fine Arts, USD provides musicians, artists and actors the chance to learn, create, inspire and perform inside the many studios, galleries, labs, concert halls and even center-stage at the 450-seat Knutson Theatre.
panorama_777E78AA_7919_4EA0_41A0_3DC2CBE4A03A.subtitle = Home of the USD School of Education, the Delzell Education Center (1963) is where innovative programming and partnerships are revolutionizing the way we prepare, place and support new teachers.The school focuses on a comprehensive learning experience, lifelong learning and developing professionals grounded in best practice. The Delzell Education Center also serves as one of the many recycling centers on campus.
panorama_777EC1B0_7919_DEA0_41DC_DB002D395BC6.subtitle = A building with a long history of serving students in many capacities, the Center for Continuing Education continues that tradition as home to the Student Veterans Resource Center, math emporium and USD Copy Center.
panorama_777F7655_791E_C5E0_41D4_B908C7ECBD03.subtitle = Given in trust to the university by H.M. Cook as a memorial to his wife, Cook House is home to the Student Counseling Center and services and resources for counseling, support and advocacy.
panorama_777FB03D_7919_7DA0_41A0_63E835F1A0A9.subtitle = Available to juniors, seniors and graduate students, Norton Hall offers smaller student communities on single-gender floors. Single and double rooms are available, and each room is air-conditioned.
panorama_777FB86D_7919_4DA0_41D2_F01C1CF306D8.subtitle = Available to juniors, seniors and graduate students, Burges Hall offers smaller student communities on single-gender floors. Single and double rooms are available, and each room is air-conditioned.
panorama_C4ADADA7_DD69_5FC4_41E2_D143147139AF.subtitle = Easily recognized by its signature towers, historic Dean Belbas Center is home to the Office of Admissions, the Registrar and Financial Aid. Originally built in 1905 and remodeled in 2004, the Belbas Center previously housed USD's physical education and military training program. The Belbas Center is just one of the recycling centers on campus.
panorama_C58CA019_DD77_64CC_41E2_94F7F323B1DE.subtitle = Easily recognized by its signature towers, historic Dean Belbas Center is home to the Office of Admissions, the Registrar and Financial Aid. Originally built in 1905 and remodeled in 2004, the Belbas Center previously housed USD's physical education and military training program. The Belbas Center is just one of the recycling centers on campus.
panorama_C703F01B_DD6B_24CC_41DD_7682C56055F2.subtitle = With its colonial-style architecture, the Arts & Sciences Building was originally constructed to house the USD School of Law. Today, it is home to the College of Arts & Sciences administrative offices, computer science offices, and as classrooms to just some of the College of Arts and Sciences' more than 20 academic programs.
panorama_CBB11187_DD7A_E7C4_41E1_D6C5E222D9F0.subtitle = Easily recognized by its signature towers, historic Dean Belbas Center is home to the Office of Admissions, the Registrar and Financial Aid. Originally built in 1905 and remodeled in 2004, the Belbas Center previously housed USD's physical education and military training program. The Belbas Center is just one of the recycling centers on campus.
panorama_F13F4082_E5BE_75A3_41E5_A0EC45432E91.subtitle = The University's oldest building, iconic Old Main was originally constructed in 1883. The building was destroyed by fire in 1893 and immediately rebuilt. Completely renovated in 1997, Old Main now serves as the home to classrooms, the Honors Program, Farber Hall and the Oscar Howe Gallery. Old Main is one of four campus buildings on the National Register of Historic Places.
### Title
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panorama_557508D3_5B45_4809_418A_F13F7E1F22F2.label = Al Neuharth Media Center East Entrance
panorama_55751959_5B45_4839_41BB_AEB1C74881DF.label = Beacom School of Business South Entrance
panorama_55751967_5B45_C809_41A1_C9DCD6693AA4.label = Churchill-Haines Laboratories NE Entrance
panorama_55752051_5B45_5809_41D3_73AFE5AF8E8A.label = 080420-VR-tour-0100
panorama_557529B2_5B45_C80B_41AA_ED9293009DA0.label = 080420-VR-tour-0109
panorama_5575386D_5B45_4819_419E_F9AF7DF7C7A9.label = USD School of Law North Entry
panorama_557540B7_5B45_7809_41D2_691E57EAC3D8.label = USD School of Law
panorama_5575510D_5B45_5819_41D4_39256579EBF1.label = 080420-VR-tour-0104
panorama_5575A1EE_5B45_F81B_41CA_AD7938C7D4F0.label = 080420-VR-tour-0110
panorama_5575B23D_5B45_D879_41A7_410ABF2AAAD7.label = 080420-VR-tour-0112
panorama_5575C16A_5B45_381B_41D3_5C007010043D.label = 080420-VR-tour-0106
panorama_5575C17D_5B45_D8F9_41D5_C5E266071B5B.label = 080420-VR-tour-0108
panorama_5575EA41_5B45_C809_41D5_A016E6A0A518.label = 080420-VR-tour-0113
panorama_5575FA05_5B45_C809_41C8_D8DFA498011E.label = Pardee Estee Laboratories
panorama_557ADF2C_5B4A_C81F_41B7_9A674AE1A00B.label = 080420-VR-tour-0094
panorama_557AEFE0_5B4A_C807_41C7_F90899910D7A.label = 080420-VR-tour-0098
panorama_557AFF85_5B4A_C809_41A0_E7899B24AD53.label = I.D. Weeks Library West
panorama_557B0CC2_5B4B_C80B_41BE_06A40DAAE331.label = 080420-VR-tour-0078
panorama_557B1709_5B4A_D819_41CD_88498396D3A2.label = 080420-VR-tour-0093
panorama_557B25DF_5B4B_7839_41C3_A829023DB503.label = Patterson Hall North Entrance
panorama_557B2740_5B4A_F807_41D6_9CDA6D623C72.label = Muenster University Center West Entrance
panorama_557B2797_5B4A_D809_41AD_043A71F2417A.label = I.D. Weeks Library West Entrance
panorama_557B2C53_5B4B_4809_41A8_1B47BDD08D9D.label = Delzell Education Center West Entrance
panorama_557B2DDE_5B4B_483B_41C8_C851D886C7BE.label = Northeast Coroner
panorama_557B3678_5B4B_5807_41D1_A5930E2A164C.label = Legacy Statue
panorama_557B3D07_5B4B_C809_41D1_DC83730DA957.label = 080420-VR-tour-0080
panorama_557B44A8_5B4B_D807_41B4_E407736A7EA3.label = Patterson Hall West Entrance
panorama_557B453C_5B4B_D87F_41C5_EAA1A63C9798.label = Muenster University Center East Entrance
panorama_557B54E9_5B4B_F819_41C4_480985DAF1CF.label = 080420-VR-tour-0079
panorama_557B5EA0_5B4B_4807_41D3_5F253BE50481.label = 080420-VR-tour-0090
panorama_557B76C8_5B4B_3807_41B2_82545D945DC8.label = 080420-VR-tour-0091
panorama_557B7C95_5B4B_C809_41B6_E6B7B3A191F3.label = 080420-VR-tour-0076
panorama_557BC571_5B4B_3809_41B6_13B8CCE20D9E.label = Patterson Hall East Entrance
panorama_557BF5A8_5B4B_5807_41D4_35100BE4A3E7.label = 080420-VR-tour-0085
panorama_557BFD41_5B4B_C809_41D3_86C7AFBF7630.label = Patterson Hall South Entrance
panorama_557BFD99_5B4B_4839_41BB_73E7A458148D.label = 080420-VR-tour-0084
panorama_557C92E8_5B4B_3807_41D0_C2773660F327.label = 080420-VR-tour-0067
panorama_557C9CE2_5B4D_C80B_41C2_202877502607.label = 080420-VR-tour-0045
panorama_557CA46B_5B4B_3819_41D4_85221C2B4010.label = 080420-VR-tour-0075
panorama_557CB360_5B4B_5807_41C2_D1020F329419.label = 080420-VR-tour-0069
panorama_557CBDA9_5B4D_C819_419E_507B84CB212B.label = McKusick Technology Center
panorama_557CCB27_5B4B_4809_41CE_C8096E7B4BFF.label = Davidson Building
panorama_557CCBDB_5B4B_4839_418D_02576A648293.label = I.D. Weeks Library East
panorama_557CD426_5B4B_580B_41A2_A82BB2965B24.label = I.D. Weeks Library Entry East
panorama_557CDB7D_5B4B_48F9_41AE_6CDBC10044F1.label = 080420-VR-tour-0070
panorama_557D3ABC_5B4A_C87F_41D0_BEEAB13E0788.label = 080420-VR-tour-0066
panorama_557D3C0E_5B4D_481B_41D3_7681BDA0D909.label = 080420-VR-tour-0043
panorama_557D4480_5B4D_3807_4168_38C1CED2F9C0.label = 080420-VR-tour-0044
panorama_557D4542_5B4D_D80B_41C2_E7B0E9DCAF64.label = 080420-VR-tour-0046
panorama_557D49D6_5B4A_C80B_41C6_11337AEFB5A4.label = 080420-VR-tour-0062
panorama_557D5661_5B4D_D809_41C0_FCD2FEA09B48.label = 080420-VR-tour-0050
panorama_557D728F_5B4A_D819_41B6_68C68281732F.label = 080420-VR-tour-0065
panorama_557D75E9_5B4D_F819_41D6_756F8E03F3AF.label = 080420-VR-tour-0048
panorama_557D7A71_5B4A_C809_41D5_F8C776D76895.label = 080420-VR-tour-0064
panorama_557D8F0A_5B4D_481B_41D3_6F5BDB296847.label = 080420-VR-tour-0053
panorama_557D9181_5B4A_D809_41B4_DD10681EF828.label = 080420-VR-tour-0061
panorama_557DA92D_5B4A_C819_41B9_D38DEB1CFAA5.label = 080420-VR-tour-0060
panorama_557DB220_5B4A_F807_41D0_83711195F122.label = Denzell South Entrance
panorama_557DB6BA_5B4D_387B_41B7_670293C4C09E.label = East Hall
panorama_557DBF9A_5B4D_483B_41D1_A412124F8E6A.label = Dakota Hall
panorama_557DC74F_5B4D_5819_41AF_8485F146F62A.label = 080420-VR-tour-0054
panorama_557DC806_5B4D_480B_41B5_49DA7E8F2A08.label = Dakota Hall East Entrance
panorama_557DC89C_5B4D_483F_41C3_118B636AEF0D.label = 080420-VR-tour-0058
panorama_557DF0D5_5B4D_3809_41D0_1B4C64E30CEA.label = Noteboom Hal
panorama_559105A0_5AFD_D807_41D6_8B2EB1F14D23.label = Slagle Hall South Entrance
panorama_568EAA18_5AFA_C807_41B0_F50738557BE1.label = 070420-VR-tour-0022
panorama_568ECA9A_5AFA_C83B_41A6_027D6CE96714.label = 070420-VR-tour-0020
panorama_568EE2CD_5AFA_F819_41D3_FCBC906481A9.label = 070420-VR-tour-0019
panorama_568EFB01_5AFA_C809_41C1_393EC2B24E3F.label = 070420-VR-tour-0018
panorama_568F21D0_5AFB_3807_41CB_7C50F3E6AD2F.label = 070420-VR-tour-0023
panorama_568F3155_5AFB_5809_41C3_2AE245BEF1B3.label = 070420-VR-tour-0025
panorama_568F423E_5AFB_587B_41A8_6061980E5553.label = 070420-VR-tour-0041
panorama_568F506E_5AFB_381B_41BF_F6F8FD35C3CE.label = 070420-VR-tour-0039
panorama_568F6064_5AFB_580F_41D2_6723748A3C0D.label = 070420-VR-tour-0029
panorama_568F6991_5AFB_4809_41C8_3DF25D29B0F0.label = 070420-VR-tour-0024
panorama_568F78FC_5AFB_49FF_41B3_1EC2B4555BD0.label = 070420-VR-tour-0026
panorama_568F7910_5AFB_4807_41CC_EFFDF4EEB386.label = 070420-VR-tour-0040
panorama_568F8859_5AFB_C839_41D2_C05C18630C8D.label = 070420-VR-tour-0032
panorama_568F9862_5AFB_480B_41A9_BBBDFC3F5BDD.label = 070420-VR-tour-0030
panorama_568FA740_5AFB_D807_41CD_41D773A73F58.label = 070420-VR-tour-0038
panorama_568FB890_5AFB_4807_41D1_80EDB7468AD5.label = Slagle Hall Administration Entrance
panorama_568FC068_5AFB_3807_41D3_8034C9659F80.label = 070420-VR-tour-0031
panorama_568FD034_5AFB_D80F_41D0_619DBC271122.label = 070420-VR-tour-0033
panorama_568FD783_5AFB_F809_41D1_30CBC2ADA913.label = 070420-VR-tour-0036
panorama_568FDFD1_5AFB_C809_41D2_EA98F70DE959.label = Aalfs Auditorium
panorama_568FFF45_5AFB_C809_41CE_6A7FFF8C0035.label = 070420-VR-tour-0037
panorama_56910341_5AFD_3809_41CE_FF72EDEF827A.label = 070420-VR-tour-0015
panorama_5691047D_5AFD_78F9_41D1_A6D96691496C.label = 060420-VR-tour-0011
panorama_569113FD_5AFD_5FF9_41C1_21F10F8AC899.label = Lee Medicine & Science Building South Entrance
panorama_56911540_5AFD_5807_41C5_3A7636D781FC.label = Lee Medicine & Science Building North Entrance
panorama_569115C9_5AFD_3819_41D1_B711DFE7F16C.label = National Music Museum
panorama_56911657_5AFD_D809_41D4_29D0C392EFF8.label = 060420-VR-tour-0005
panorama_56913309_5AFA_D819_41C6_2C737AC197F7.label = Slagle Hall West Entrance
panorama_56913DA2_5AFD_480B_41C5_925FCF52D0C1.label = 060420-VR-tour-0008
panorama_56915CC7_5AFD_4809_41C2_3286D42A93DF.label = 060420-VR-tour-0010
panorama_56916B9D_5AFD_4839_41CD_6C0108B40FD1.label = 060420-VR-tour-0014
panorama_56917C67_5AFD_4809_41CD_16021F9C0F31.label = 060420-VR-tour-0012
panorama_5691DE12_5AFD_C80B_41A7_0C84E460CEE2.label = Native American Cultural Center
panorama_5691E6AD_5AFD_F819_41C6_5AD65913DA72.label = 060420-VR-tour-0003
panorama_5691EEA5_5AFD_C809_41D3_2E0AFFF35193.label = 060420-VR-tour-0002
panorama_5691FE71_5AFD_C809_41CF_0392D7F6A133.label = 060420-VR-tour-0004
panorama_7762E0EB_791E_BEA0_41D4_08C2C9D37FC8.label = Julian Hall South Entrance
panorama_7762E95A_791E_CFE0_41C9_5328402DBDAC.label = Southwest Corner
panorama_7762F1B8_791E_DEA0_41DC_1537D23AC6D4.label = Brookman Hall
panorama_776319D3_791E_CEE0_41AA_6B14CACC8645.label = 100420-VR-tour-0123
panorama_776342C8_791E_C2E0_41C3_E65C0E98F745.label = 100420-VR-tour-0126
panorama_77635AF4_791E_C2A0_41CC_A342A36CAACD.label = 100420-VR-tour-0127
panorama_7763720A_791E_FD60_41BD_21F86D05B8CE.label = 100420-VR-tour-0124
panorama_77637A65_791E_CDA0_41B4_AA6117FE180A.label = Akeley-Lawrence Science Center West Entrance
panorama_77639D83_791F_4760_41B4_C7CA8D1CF68A.label = 100420-VR-tour-0133
panorama_7763ACE7_791F_46A0_41D1_022B660F145F.label = 100420-VR-tour-0131
panorama_7763C338_791F_43A0_41C5_9C4A3C5A0EE2.label = 100420-VR-tour-0128
panorama_7763DB9C_791F_4360_41CB_CB6A762AD7D5.label = Julian Hall East Entrance
panorama_7763E3D5_791F_42E0_41CA_165F8F0D94AC.label = 100420-VR-tour-0130
panorama_7764A0CF_7919_5EE0_41C1_46B0E88A8F6B.label = 100420-VR-tour-0118
panorama_7764C840_7919_4DE0_41D7_F54A16A2C3D8.label = South Dakota Union
panorama_776538E8_7919_4EA0_41A3_25FE04B164B1.label = 100420-VR-tour-0119
panorama_7778E29A_791B_7D60_41D0_DE5620E0126F.label = 100420-VR-tour-0209
panorama_7779EC94_7919_4560_41C4_FE5EB0717E37.label = 100420-VR-tour-0181
panorama_777A0CC8_791A_C6E0_41D4_D1609E70E8A1.label = 100420-VR-tour-0183
panorama_777A24AA_791A_C6A0_41D7_F3D7C8FDFC80.label = USD Wellness Center
panorama_777A74DF_791A_C6E0_41BE_9AE1E3617318.label = 100420-VR-tour-0184
panorama_777A85E7_791A_C6A0_41C7_8D6E78D2956C.label = DakotaDome Flags
panorama_777A9D77_791A_C7A0_41C2_CF8BAC312F08.label = W.H. Over Museum
panorama_777A9F27_791B_43A0_41C0_D27D3FC2B56B.label = Dakotadome SE Entrance
panorama_777AA6AC_791B_42A0_41D5_59CB837E9E27.label = DakotaDome
panorama_777AAF94_791B_4360_41C0_1CDA55E37A90.label = Sanford Coyote Sports Center Offices
panorama_777AB736_791B_43A0_41D8_BEE437568A8C.label = Sanford Coyote Sports Center Main Entrance
panorama_777ABDEE_791A_C6A0_41D7_139B5605A629.label = 100420-VR-tour-0187
panorama_777ACC3F_791A_C5A0_41D1_86A5F55BC7F6.label = Farber House
panorama_777ACE95_791A_C560_41CB_08B611481675.label = Dakota Dome NE Entrance
panorama_777AF62A_791A_C5A0_41B0_9EF9F77D67BC.label = 100420-VR-tour-0188
panorama_777B013D_791B_DFA0_41C8_20AF0D667FC3.label = 100420-VR-tour-0203
panorama_777B0915_791B_CF60_4195_BB0C40035DC5.label = 100420-VR-tour-0202
panorama_777B1223_791B_5DA0_41D9_57E6A4C220D9.label = 100420-VR-tour-0207
panorama_777B27C2_791B_42E0_41DD_E53471971153.label = Sanford Coyote Sports Center South Entrance
panorama_777B3FE7_791B_42A0_41D2_B5016AC83927.label = 100420-VR-tour-0197
panorama_777B479C_791B_4360_41D6_41ADE1C9D146.label = Sanford Coyote Sports Center Southeast Door
panorama_777B5FAF_791B_42A0_41C3_A0B82D8A4648.label = 100420-VR-tour-0195
panorama_777B6971_791B_CFA0_41B9_2B2B62F6D331.label = Warren M. Lee Center for the Fine Arts West Entrance
panorama_777B7196_791B_BF60_41DA_244CA95974C2.label = Burr House
panorama_777B79E2_791B_4EA0_41D4_7CE01DE1F212.label = 100420-VR-tour-0206
panorama_777BC05D_791B_DDE0_41D1_56C129D99D59.label = Coyote Village South Entrance
panorama_777BC0C5_791B_FEE0_41D9_DDA6FB4257DA.label = 100420-VR-tour-0201
panorama_777BE828_791B_CDA0_41D9_18A6140CE971.label = Coyote Village Southwest Entrance
panorama_777BF88C_791B_CD60_41DD_BB62DAB7AE5E.label = 100420-VR-tour-0200
panorama_777C36E0_791F_C2A0_41AE_05D12BA391A2.label = 100420-VR-tour-0138
panorama_777C458B_791F_4760_41D3_4EFD9B45ADD5.label = Churchill-Haines Laboratories East Entrance
panorama_777C5E01_791F_4560_41D2_2C8B853C0A02.label = 100420-VR-tour-0135
panorama_777C5F1F_791F_C360_41D4_E7B85A7F2B23.label = 100420-VR-tour-0139
panorama_777C6555_791F_47E0_41D8_8BBEB7302587.label = 100420-VR-tour-0132
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panorama_777C7FF6_791F_C2A0_41CD_A1443837B1F3.label = 100420-VR-tour-0141
panorama_777CC40E_791E_C560_41D7_21D55485DB48.label = 100420-VR-tour-0151
panorama_777CE64D_791F_C5E0_41D0_4D31798E0ECA.label = 100420-VR-tour-0136
panorama_777CEE9C_791F_C560_41D7_A85DA530387D.label = Akeley-Lawrence Science Center North Enntrance
panorama_777CF4B5_791E_C6A0_41D2_60F642388C1E.label = 100420-VR-tour-0153
panorama_777D6BA3_791F_42A0_41C1_C1C2D25EB70C.label = 100420-VR-tour-0150
panorama_777D91ED_791F_5EA0_41D9_6B260A8DD5DA.label = 100420-VR-tour-0145
panorama_777DA860_791F_CDA0_41AA_DBEA4D9CE3FB.label = Northwest Corner
panorama_777DBA6A_791F_4DA0_41D6_D4CEC5CCBA7C.label = 100420-VR-tour-0146
panorama_777DD0B4_791F_BEA0_41A8_E8FBDB80BB86.label = 100420-VR-tour-0143
panorama_777DE983_791F_4F60_41C3_7E5FA8A805A2.label = Al Neuharth Media Center North Entrance
panorama_777E1446_7919_45E0_41DB_CFE3C486DF80.label = 100420-VR-tour-0180
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panorama_777E69F1_7919_4EA0_41DA_495EA9D6B754.label = 100420-VR-tour-0175
panorama_777E7299_7919_5D60_41BD_21019120AB40.label = 100420-VR-tour-0176
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panorama_777E7B6D_7919_43A0_41C2_146CAD3656EF.label = North Complex North Entrance
panorama_777EC156_7919_FFE0_416F_4F9FB4D247D2.label = 100420-VR-tour-0170
panorama_777EC1B0_7919_DEA0_41DC_DB002D395BC6.label = Center for Continuing Education
panorama_777EC936_7919_CFA0_41C1_FEE2AAD83809.label = 100420-VR-tour-0167
panorama_777EC9B8_7919_CEA0_41CB_7E3138BF5ED3.label = 100420-VR-tour-0173
panorama_777ED0FF_7919_BEA0_41D1_207979B8B89E.label = 100420-VR-tour-0166
panorama_777ED144_7919_DFE0_414D_C9B462969F98.label = 100420-VR-tour-0168
panorama_777ED972_7919_CFA0_41DC_FCC8753FE715.label = 100420-VR-tour-0171
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panorama_777F058A_791E_C760_41D5_EA24CF54DE42.label = 100420-VR-tour-0155
panorama_777F0D17_791E_C760_41C5_9F584DCDE555.label = 100420-VR-tour-0154
panorama_777F1C6E_791E_C5A0_4181_80D002B7446D.label = 100420-VR-tour-0152
panorama_777F1DBE_791E_C6A0_41CD_C54494293AF2.label = 100420-VR-tour-0156
panorama_777F6EC0_791E_C2E0_41AE_FADBCD274675.label = 100420-VR-tour-0158
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panorama_777F8FAD_7919_42A0_41C8_C8A01AC5317B.label = 100420-VR-tour-0160
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panorama_777FE7CD_7919_42E0_41CE_8F6BDA3379D0.label = 100420-VR-tour-0161
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panorama_F5ADC590_E15B_4B59_41D7_E7AD64A3F5B9.label = 200924_Campus360_0121-HDR Panorama
## Action
### URL
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